Frontend development

999.00 / ₹2000.00
50+ Lessons

Frontend development is essential for creating visually appealing and interactive user interfaces for web applications. This course, led by Babita Mam, covers the foundations of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with modern frameworks like ReactJS. Babita Mam, a seasoned developer with years of industry experience, ensures students learn to design responsive and user-friendly websites. The course also includes projects that simulate real-world scenarios to give students hands-on experience. By the end of this course, learners will have the skills to build dynamic, responsive web pages and kickstart a career in frontend development.

Course Details

  • Instructor :By Babita Mam

  • Lectures :50+ Lessons

  • Duration :50+ hours

  • Language :Hinglish

  • Course Status :Available

Frontend development
  • Instructor:

    By Babita Mam

  • Lessons:

    50+ Lessons

  • Duration:

    50+ hours

  • Skill Level:


  • Category:


  • Tag:
